
Showing posts from July, 2024

How Can Small Steps in Urban Living Make a Big Environmental Impact?

  Imagine a world where cities hum with activity, yet leave a gentle footprint on the environment. This vision is within reach, but it requires a collective effort from residents to embrace low-carbon lifestyles. Global CO2 emissions as per ‘ IEA's CO2 Emissions report’ 2023. Region CO2 Emissions (%) Asia 50 North America 15 Europe 12 Africa 8 South America 5 Asia: As the largest contributor, Asia's emissions account for half of the global total. This is primarily driven by industrial activities and coal consumption, particularly in China and India. North America and Europe: These regions have lower emissions, reflecting efforts in transitioning to cleaner energy sources. However, they still play a significant role in the global emissions landscape. Africa and South America: These regions have smaller shares of global emissions, but as

"What are the global health impacts of climate change?"

  Climate change, a defining issue of our time, poses significant threats not only to the environment but also to human health. The impacts are far-reaching and multifaceted, affecting populations worldwide in various direct and indirect ways. Understanding these health impacts is crucial for developing strategies to mitigate the risks and protect vulnerable populations. Heat-Related Illnesses One of the most immediate and observable health impacts of climate change is the increase in heat-related illnesses. Rising global temperatures lead to more frequent and severe heat waves, which can cause heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and exacerbate pre-existing cardiovascular and respiratory conditions. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), extreme heat is responsible for an estimated 166,000 deaths from 1998 to 2017 worldwide. In 2003, a heat wave in Europe resulted in over 70,000 excess deaths. Spread of Vector-Borne Diseases Climate change also facilitates the spread of vec

What is the IPCC's Stance on Climate Models and Their Predictions for Future Climate Change?

IPCC predicts The Climate change could increase the incidence of heat-related mortality, heart disease, and mental health challenges.   The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) plays a crucial role in the global understanding of climate change, synthesizing scientific research to inform policy and decision-making. One of the core components of their work involves the use of climate models to predict future climate scenarios. These models are instrumental in assessing the potential impacts of climate change and formulating strategies to mitigate and adapt to its effects. Understanding Climate Models Climate models are sophisticated tools that simulate the Earth’s climate system. They are built on mathematical representations of the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, and ice. These models incorporate a range of variables, including temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, and greenhouse gas concentrations, to project future climate conditions. The IPCC relies on multiple c

What Should Be the First Step to Reduce Global Warming?

Overall, Earth was about 2.45 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 1.36 degrees Celsius) warmer in 2023 than in the late 19th-century (1850-1900) preindustrial average. Global warming poses an existential threat to our planet, demanding urgent and decisive action. The first and most critical step in reducing global warming is transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. Fossil fuel combustion for electricity, heat, and transportation is the largest single source of global greenhouse gas emissions. Addressing this root cause can significantly curb the warming trend and set the stage for further sustainable practices. Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal, offer clean and virtually inexhaustible alternatives to fossil fuels. By investing in renewable energy infrastructure, we can reduce our reliance on coal, oil, and natural gas, thereby cutting down the massive amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. This

Is Fossil Fuel Reduction Enough to Save Our Planet?

  Geneva, 18 May 2022 (WMO) – The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has reported that four key climate change indicators – greenhouse gas concentrations, sea level rise, ocean heat, and ocean acidification – set new records in 2021. These alarming trends are clear signs that human activities are causing profound changes on land, in the ocean, and in the atmosphere. The consequences are harmful and long-lasting, posing significant threats to sustainable development and ecosystems. Sustainable Built and Natural Environment Achieving a sustainable built and natural environment requires urgent climate action, focusing on reducing fossil fuel use and enabling renewable energy sources like solar, wind, water currents, and other green energies. This approach accelerates decarbonization, addressing the NetZero challenges. India's current carbon footprint is 1.5 tonnes per capita, significantly lower than the global average of 5.0 tonnes, yet there is still room for improvement.

"The Climate Clock's Countdown: Can Regenerative Agriculture Really Save Us?"

Fig source:   Heat waves, forest fires, droughts and massive floods caused by climate change have become daily headlines, forcing 26 million people into poverty each year. According to researchers at the Centre for Global Development, by 2019 the G20 countries had accumulated $29.7 trillion in climate debt, most of it owed to the "developing" countries. With just 5 years left on the Climate Clock to stay under the critical threshold of 1.5°C of global warming, transforming the global food system is a key climate solution. Specifically, scaling up regenerative agriculture practices is essential. Currently, 1,013,455 hectares of land are cultivated under regenerative practices, as certified by our Lifeline partner Regenagri. This new lifeline tracks the global land area adhering to regenerative agriculture practices, emphasizing the urgent need for change. The Need for Change Agriculture is vital to our existence but also contrib